Financial Advice

What To Do When Investing

Where you are positioned in life can to a large extent determine what investments you need to consider. The budding college graduate, the  consummate career professional, the energetic entrepreneur and the active freelancer have  as many investment options open to them as there stocks and bonds and mutual funds. What…

What Can Low Risk Money Market Funds do for You?

As an investor you would be keen to maximize your earnings at the lowest possible risk. Mutual funds are investments mobilized from hundreds of investors that are channeled into stocks of varying risk profiles. The money market fund is one such mutual fund that offers a high degree of liquidity…

Overcoming Financial Failure Intelligently

They say we learn through mistakes, and financial errors are committed more out of ignorance and generally because we are positioned on the learning curve in life, but sometimes the consequences of our financial mess can be devastating, and handling yourself smartly makes all the difference to surviving gracefully. Contrary…

How To Fund Your New Business Venture

Commencing a new business venture in a harshly competitive and economically challenged market can be a daunting prospect. You need to research your product or service, identify a target consumer segment, hire qualified and experienced personnel and most important of all gather financial resources to fund your project. Raising funds…

Young Women and Investing

Traditionally, investments have been a male dominated sphere of activity with women being convention bound to be cautious and to refrain from taking risks and live under the burden of conservative social taboos, behavioral patterns that run contrary to what an investment strategy demands. Testosterone fueled men on the other…

You Can’t Rely on Debt Programs

The worsening economic situation has seen the spiraling of debt and many defaulting individuals are increasingly seeking third party mediation hoping to emerge from the chasm of crushing debt. The tightening of bankruptcy regulations led to the establishment of several Debt Management Agencies that specialized in clearing debt by intermediating…

Sourcing a Credit Line from the Equity in Your Home

In a Home equity line of credit or HELOC as it is popularly known, a home owner is extended a credit limit based on the collateral security of his home. The lender approves a fixed credit limit that the borrower can use as he pleases, on paying a fixed or…

Is the Cash-Out Refinance a Workable Solution?

The cash out refinance is a tried and tested route for paying off your existing mortgage to benefit significantly in many ways. Such a loan exploits the difference in valuation of  your home and your principal loan dues. If, for example, your home is valued at $300,000 and your mortgage…

Options For Repaying Debt

The economic downturn has effected many people who find their income considerably reduced, making it difficult for them to service their debt obligations. In such situations people mostly turn to credit cards and the zero interest option and low introductory offers lure people into using cards lavishly and spending beyond…

Taking Pain to Organize Yourself Financially

You have no hesitation in getting your health checkup done annually or taking your car to a garage for an overhaul, and these measures ensure the health and stability of your body and your vehicle. You need a yardstick to assess your financial situation and your new year’s resolutions are…

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